Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Holidays from Temple Square!
We have had so much fun this year getting ready for Christmas. We decided that it was time to take the kids to see the lights- we love that we are at a stage where we don't have to take a stroller! A few updates on the Linthorst family: Lucy had her tonsils out the week before Thanksgiving. I'm not sure what people are talking about when they say that taking your tonsils out isn't a bid deal? Sophie is loving first grade. She just finished her first real chapter book. Spence/Tank is still obsessed with fireworks and rocket ships. He can't wait for Santa to bring him a real rocket ship- not a toy one from the toy store. Owen is turning two on the 12th of Dec. and I think his age would show it. He had a tool party and still sleeps with a real screwdriver. Frank is working hard as always. These days I appreciate him more and all the work he has. We are so lucky, and I just love doing all the fun things Christmas brings. I miss the Linthorst family- especially over the holidays. We were lucky and had Grandma Mary here for Thanksgiving. We sure had fun with you. Christmas just isn't the same without all of you. We love you and wish you all the best.

Owen turns 2!

Owen was ready and waiting for his friends to come to his Tool party!

Owen got a jack hammer from his friend Pyke. He thought he could even do it to the tree. Any tool that makes noise and vibrates is a real hit!

I gave O Mr.Potato head SANTA. He'll fit nicely in my Santa collection.

Owen didn't have the best attitude at his Tool party.
I do hope that someday he will appreciate all the work I go to- like cutting out
cardboard tools to decorate and making hammer sugar cookies.

I've never had a kid with a birthday so close to Christmas.
After today I don't think Santa even needs to bring Owen presents.

The boys were making me cookies- no help from Mom!

This year we had a Christmas Party with our neighborhood friends.
We had so much fun, great food, and a lot of laughs.
It's good to have good times
without the little squirts.

Emily won the "NUT" gift. Yeah!!! She was so excited.

Aren't I lucky to have such cute friends and mom's in my neighborhood.

The big hit was Fireworks on Thanksgiving night. Spence and Frank loved it!!

Grandma Mary we love you.

Cute boys!

Sophie at her Christmas Dance Performance.

Lucy at her Halloween piano recital.

Look at what Frank came up with Halloween night, and yes he wore it Trick-or-Treating.

Halloween party with the cousins.

Bob the builder- of course holding a screwdriver.

Tank- a RED Power Ranger.

Sophie the flapper girl. She loved her fish net tights.
The cutest was watching her dance and shake in the dress.

Lucy- Princess Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall 2008

Fall in the Mountains! What a beautiful sight.
The other day we took the kids
on a little hike and the colors were amazing.
I have to say that when the leaves
change and we pull out the sweatshirts-
it really is my favorite time of year.
I just want to say Hi to our family and friends
all over the place. I hope
you are happy and life is good. These pictures
hopefully keep you
updated with our life. Love, Care

Tank showing off his muscles after drinking all his milk.

Owen zonked out in his chair after dinner.

Having some fun in St.George!

Owen was so proud when he came to show me that he had
colored with his favorite color marker . . . BLUE.

We love our friends- Holly, her husband Jonathon, and their little
boy Lincoln. Owen and Lincoln are good little buddies (most days!)
We had a spooky night at the Haunted Nursery near our house.

Our neighbors have a pretty exciting life. We often get
entertained by what goes on at their house. This night
they had a stretched hummer in the front yard. My kids thought it was
pretty cool. Loud music, neon lights, and lots of room to dance.

Cute little Lincoln, showing off his moves.

This is Spence's favorite thing lately. FIREWORKS. He carries this
thing around everywhere he goes. Sleeps with it, takes it in the car, he just
can't understand why he can't take it for show and tell.
(Don't worry, it's empty!)

I know this picture is hard to see, but this is the real reason we
went to the circus this year. Spence kept seeing the commercial on T.V.
with the guys on their motorcycles in the cage. It's all he could talk about!

Owen on the other hand really liked the elephants.

Peace! This picture is to you Uncle D.

Spence and Owen could just eat cookie dough all day. I think they
love to make cookies as much as I do.

My cute nephew Rob and his girlfriend Grace. Rob is the
kid. He walks over from time to time just to hang out. The best
is when he makes us cookies.

Big Birthday party for my mom.

We got all the little girls together and took their picture with
their American Girl dolls. They were all so excited to give it Nana Katie.

Owen thinking he has a cape like Batman.

Tank loves baseball- or should I say he loves
anything he can hit.

Soph wanted to have lots of curls for the big Primary Program.

Spence wins a gold medal at Nursery. I had all the kids
do the Summer Olympics.

I'm not kidding when I say this is Owen's favorite place to be. I now
just leave the garage door open and he plays out in the garage for hours.

Tank's first day of Rainbow Connection. Man was he
excited and nervous.

Little O man gets to stay home with Mom and his blankie-
while everyone else is at school.

Lucy and Sophie on the first day of school.
I couldn't get the giggles out of Lu.

Lucky girls to go to school with their cousins!

Lu's fun teacher. The cool thing is she used to be
a clown. She is a fabulous face painter. Lucy says that every
day she does something to make the class laugh.

Sophie with her nice teacher. Sophie is always telling me how nice she
is. This teacher is very organized and structured. Soph love's her.

We had a lot of fun at "The Ranch"
in Wyoming. Lu's favorite was riding the horses.

This is probably my favorite picture. My boys- and I mean
all 3 boys couldn't be happier.

The 4 wheeler that could fit all the cousins!

All these cute girls and Spence.