Friday, July 9, 2010

We LOVE Summer!
Tank saved up his money and had the idea to buy fish for
our neighbors pond. They were all so happy to each get 4 fish, and
I was just as happy to be putting them into the pond!

Face Painting at our neighborhood party.
Owen of course had to get a shark
and Tank asked for Fireworks!

So, last week Tank was running into his room to
get something when he fell and hit his head on the
end of his bed. It was quite a hit, and we quickly
went over to the Metcalf's. Mike said it for sure needed
staples, and right there at his kitchen counter Tank was
brave and got 5 staples. He didn't even have a
numbing shot!

The 2 Frank's and Tank - CELEBRATING

Owen and Lincoln, what goofs!

Frank with the blow torch to start up the big FIREWORK SHOW!

Tank of course so happy with all the fireworks. We even made a
special trip to Wyoming this year to get the supply.

Our summer vacation . . .
NEWPORT BEACH with the Metcalfs.
We had a blast!

Lu celebrated her 10th birthday. She got just what
she wanted - a razor scooter!

Lu's birthday dinner - Mexican Haystacks.

The boys loved to mess around with Max. Poor Max,
they hardly ever left him alone.

Best treat - nothing like the frozen chocolate
dipped banana. (dipped in chopped almonds
was fabulous)

Best decision we made was going to Legoland instead of
Disneyland. The kids LOVED it!

They all got their very own drivers license.

Nothing better than the beach with
Rob playing the guitar.

Tank celebrated his 5th birthday in California too.
He was shocked to see that we got
him a razor scooter too. Wow, was he

Tank spent his birthday playing arcade games along the
boardwalk and riding on a ferris wheel.

We went to the aquarium, mainly because Owen
loves sharks. He even got to pet some real sharks.

These four girls had a blast! I love that
they have each other!

Grace Amis, Rob's girlfriend in the middle.

I've decided California has the world's best donuts!

Nana Katie and Mucka took Sophie and Betsy to
Mt. Rushmore on her baptism trip.

Woodstock Elementary got a hot air balloon at their
school for reading so much during the read - a - thon.
Frank was one of the dad's in charge of bringing it up and down.
The principal threw out candy to all the kids on the field.

Sophie's Baptism

Mary Kate and Lucy gave talks at Sophie's baptism.
Such a great day.

Nana Katie of course made Soph a baptism quilt. The hands
were a little something special to show how
they are both left handed.

Turning 8 - excited and scared to get those ears pierced
(if you can't tell.)

Frank getting out of his week long hospital stay.
Man, was that a long week. So glad he feels so much
better now!!!

Owen so happy about his BIG BOY BED.