Monday, January 12, 2009

We love our little puppy. He is now almost 2 months old. He is a cockapoo and really is the cuttest little fur ball. Do you think he get's any attention at our house?

Our first family ski day with everyone skiing- yeah!!!

Thanks Ang- we loved the chocolate letters!

Milo on Christmas morning. A Christmas we will never forget!!
To be honest Frank and I were just as excited as the kids were.
They had no idea we were getting them a dog. They were all in total shock.

Tank finally got his rocket ship from Santa.

I painted the girls a little table and chairs for their
American Girl Dolls.

My mom and dad gave us this little rocking chair. I had it when I was little. They had it refinished and put this little cushion on it. It was such a great gift.

Looking for the "NUT"

Christmas Eve- at Nanny and Muck's

What would we do without LIZ ?

The girls getting ready to go to a
Creative Cousins Christmas Cooking Party at the Metcalf's.

Sophie entered this for reflections.
She made it out of cookie sprinkles.

This was my dress when I was Lu's age.

Christmas Piano recital with Grace, Katie and Betsy.

Lucy with her 2 cute dance and neighborhood friends.

Sledding at GORGOZA.
I highly recommend doing this if you haven't already.
Nothing is better than having a rope pull - pull your kids up a hill for you!!

The Polar Express

Owen's tool of choice for the day! SCARY- I know!

We gave O a tool set for his big day.
(I'll do anything to get him away from Frank's real tools!)


April said...

Chad and I love the picture of all of you at Alta, skiing! I hope soon, that we have a similar picture with all the boys!!! You had such a fun Christmas! I hope your boys are feeling better!

Amelia said...

Hey guys! Your new puppy is so cute!! Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas and New Year. I need to hang out with the girls soon! Talk to you later..
-Amelia Radford