Monday, May 25, 2009

Spring 2009

Hello, Hello from the Linthorst Family.
We have had such a fun past few months. I guess you can say time
flies when you're having fun. Enjoy a few pictures-
or should I say a lot of pictures!
Frank brought this go gart home to fix it up and the boys have lived in it
literally for the last two weeks. Finally it's all fixed and the kids
love taking it out for a little ride.
Sophie begged and begged to get her hair cut and
we finally took 7 inches off!
My great dad getting
the "Giant in the City" award. All night
people were saying how great it was that such
a "little" guy was getting such a "giant" award.
Katie, Maggie, Lizzie, Phoebe, and Lu
Lucy got "knighted" at school for
memorizing all her times tables. Her principal
was the "queen" who did the honors.
Jane went to Sweeden and brought back the girls
these cute bright outfits.
Tank at his program at good old Rainbow Connection.

Dance Performance Time- The theme this year if you
can't tell- Rock Ballet.

Betsy, Sophie, Anna, and Lizzie- cute little dance friends!

Sophie hits the big jack pot- you would have thought she just
won 500 dollars- not just 500 tickets.
We went to Fat Catz with Liz and her cute boyfriend Nick, to
celebrate Liz graduating from the U of U. Way to go LIZ!
Here we are in Seaside, Oregon.
We laughed and had a good time on the old bumper cars.
Here we are at the Taffy Store that had hundreds of different kinds of taffy.
We loved being with you Grandma Mary.
Owen hiding on the beach.
Tank ever so brave to touch critters at the tide pools.
Trying to help Owen be brave and not so scared.
We thought maybe if the hermit crab
was on a shovel he might be into it.

The Aquarium

Feeding the seals with cut up fish parts. This was SO much FUN.

Frank so proud- EDGEWOOD Street
Tank and Royal
Besides seeing Angelie and Richard get married-
playing on the beach was our favorite time in Oregon.

The girls so happy to find so many sand dollars- still alive!

Uncle Trev- always playing and having fun with the boys.
Great Grandpa Clark- he has the greatest hair!
Grandpa Jim
Wedding day at the Portland Temple.
Yeah for Angelie and Richard. We are so happy for you both to finally be married.

We had a little brunch shower for Angelie at the Cadillac Cafe.

Sophie had her birthday party at This is the Place Park. I absoutley loved it and so did all the girls. They danced, did dress ups, dipped candles, went on a wagon rride, had scones and cupcakes. What a perfect way for a bunch of little girls to have a party.

Our little Milo is getting Big!
Jane gave Sophie this cute skirt for her birthday-
and to make it more fun she gave one to all the girls so they could match!
Owen's favorite thing in life- Daddy's TRUCK. He can hear when it comes home and gets so excited. He begs and begs to stay in the back all night long.
Tank's favorite thing in life- FIREWORKS. It is a serious, serious addiction. We have already gone through our old stash from last 4th of July and he can't wait until the stands are open to buy more. To get by we look at pictures of different fireworks online and print them off just so we can look at them and talk about their names. Not the fireworks in the sky- but the actual firework itself. He has made posters and carries litte pictures folded up in his pocket everywhere he goes. I even had his preshool call me up to ask me if I knew he had an unlit
firecraker in his pocket.
Not much to say- Lucy's a goof.
Sophie in her birthday dress.
April Fools- they thought this was so funny. Frank
and I wouldn't be able to get in to go to our bathroom. Thanks to
Lucy's school teacher who gave her the idea.
Snow Canyon in St. George- the best family hikes.

Frank and I went to Mexico for our 10 year anniversary. We had such a great time and the weather was perfect. We couldn't resist bringing home the boys these Choncho masks- like on Nacho Libre! Sadly, they still love wearing them.

We had fun shopping at little shops, eating Mexican food and going on an all day adventure with zip lines, tarzan swings, rock climbing and repelling. Frank was definitely in heaven.

1 comment:

Angelie and Richard said...

haha that is GREAT. NACHO!! Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun! It was so great to see you at the wedding! Love you guys!